First of all, notice Aruf passed 3S where lots of players would have bid 4S automatically.
He was right again, 4S is down off the top on a D lead.
And now, feast your eyes on some sophisticated declarer play!
Dealer | S | Vul | All | Scoring | MP | Lead | ♥Q |
| | |
|  | |
| | |
West | North | East | South |
| | | 1♣ |
p | 1♠ | p | 3♠ |
p | p | p |
Declarer took the HQ lead with HA in dummy, crossed to hand with SK, ducked C9 (!!) to West's CA, and took the S return in hand with SA.
Next came a C to the CJ, SJ (East discarding H5), and ... DJ from dummy!!
West, on lead with DQ, returned a H ruffed in dummy with the SQ. Now CK was cashed to pitch declarer's last H, followed by ... DK crashing East's D10!!
Making 10 tricks, for a very nice score.
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