Never mind the bidding ... you knew you wanted to play 4S, and exactly how you get there is irrelevant.
Your job now is to make as many tricks as possible, like Aruf did.
Dealer | N | Vul | N/S | Scoring | MP | Lead | ♥T |
| |
|  | |
| |
West | North | East | South |
| 1♠ | p | 2♥ |
3♣ | X | p | 4♠ |
p | p | p |
Declarer put up HJ in dummy, ducked by West, for the Ace. Next came a small C ruffed in dummy followed by HQ, covered by the K, ruffed.
And now declarer played S10!!! This was ducked all around, and followed by another S to the Q and West's Ace.
West returned a C, which turned out to be not a good idea. Declarer took CA, drew the last trump, crossed to DA and claimed 12 tricks.
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