You have 6 tricks for sure against 2NT. A score of +200 is always welcome in matchpoints, so ...
Dealer | E | Vul | All | Scoring | MP | Lead | ♦K |
| | |
|  | |
| | |
West | North | East | South |
| | 1♥ | p |
2♣ | p | 2♥ | p |
2NT | X | p | p |
p |
Things even get better: after DK, DA, and D4 to partner's J, partner returns another D to your 8 on which declarer pitches a small C.
Now you can safely try for 2 off by switching to a small H. Don't make the mistake of cashing HA and continuing the suit, for if declarer finesses and partner returns the wrong black suit you're back to 1 off.
1 comment:
Another horrible example of how the accuser's eyes can be blinded by what he expects to see.
First let's look at the allegation that a small heart leads to down two while the Normal "heart ACE" would only be down one. Well, this begs two questions. 1) is it true that down 1 occurs after heart ace? and 2) Did declarer cause his own downfall.
First, Eric is wrong in his analysis. After Declarer foolishly throws away a club, the heart ace and a heart gets exactlly the same down two as a low heart that was obtained. The most declarer can get is 5C, 1H after heart Ace and heart. Aruf would win first spade, and the defense will take the same two hearts they got after low heart. And declarer is the one who screwed up. Who in their right mind would throw a club on the diamond. HE can always hold himself to down 1. The double is not all that wild either. Few will stop in 2NT on this auction and at matchpoints you lose to 3NT down 2 if you do not double, and surely no one is making 3NT.
There is AMPLY evindence in this tournament (12/24/04) that Aruf lacked UI. He redoubled a vulnerable 6NT contract that then went down 4. Ok, the redouble didn't cost much, as down 4 doubled was already a disaster. But on another hand he held, KQxxx Jxx xx xxx and heard his partner open 1D and then after competition iby his opponents, his partner freely rebid 3C. He passed 3C. He can make 3D for an excellent board, 3C was down several (doubled) for a ZERO. (whoops that hand was played in the 12/6/04 tourney from example 6)... The actual hand in this one was SKQx H-Jxx D-x C-QT987x where his partner opened 1D, next hand bid 1NT and he doubled for penatly. After that he was assured a zero result as 2NT makes for them, and his side can make nothing. His partner ran to 2D which RHO doubled, he then bid 3C which his LHO doubled. This was bloody.
There just is not a case here. Eric should be ashamed of himself, but of course, he will not be. Vigalantees seldom are.
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