The question 'Plan the bidding' was not a joke ... you really have some work to do here.
6C is cold, provided you play the C suit the right suit around.
That is something you're not going to entrust to some ignorant partner, so instead of a clear-cut take-out double you start by bidding 2C.
Dealer | W | Vul | - | Scoring | MP | Lead | ♦A |
| | |
|  | |
| | |
West | North | East | South |
p | 1♠ | 2♣ | 4♠ |
5♣ | p | 6♣ | p |
p | p |
The bidding proceeds like one would expect: 4S from South, followed by 5C from partner.
Now you can happily bid 6C. Of course, you don't misguess trumps ... 12 tricks, for another top.
It is interesting that you accuse aruf of cheating because he go the position of the club queen correctly. I could be wrong, but are not kibitzers banned in ACBL tournaments on the BBO (at least tp the last round)? Dealer South, both vul would be board 7 and no kibitzer allowed. How do you explain he knew enough to finessee the queen of clubs correctly?
Example 19 is similar, he leads spade ten pinning the nine doubleton, but that is not the only play that works, and dealer north with both vul is board 5, again a round where kibitzing is not allowed. In fact, kibitzing is not allowed in any of teh ACBL events so how do we account for double dummy bidding and play. Are these supposedly current hands or from before the kibitzing ban went into effect.
> It is interesting that you accuse aruf of cheating because he go the position of the club queen correctly.
This is just 1 example. We presented many more, and still more is available.
Besides, finding CQ on this board is not the only issue. You might view that as a 50% proposition, but the bidding is utterly damning.
> I could be wrong, but are not kibitzers banned in ACBL tournaments on the BBO (at least tp the last round)? Dealer South, both vul would be board 7 and no kibitzer allowed. How do you explain he knew enough to finessee the queen of clubs correctly?
You're not wrong: nowadays kibitzers are banned from ACBL tourneys until the last round ... allegedly, that is.
Once we get around to naming a number of the most prolific cheats in ACBL tournaments we'll publish screen shots, showing that at least several of them were kibitzing in ACBL tournaments where kibitzers were officially banned.
> Example 19 is similar, he leads spade ten pinning the nine doubleton, but that is not the only play that works, and dealer north with both vul is board 5, again a round where kibitzing is not allowed. In fact, kibitzing is not allowed in any of teh ACBL events so how do we account for double dummy bidding and play. Are these supposedly current hands or from before the kibitzing ban went into effect.
Of the 24 boards we published up till now, all but 1 were taken from ACBL tournaments from the period before any kibitzer ban was introduced.
The remaining board was taken from a teams match where loads of people were kibitzing. We're quite sure of that - we were one of them :-))
I suspect the anonymous commentor here was as confused as I was when I saw these "dated" post. I thouht that this hand was from July 2007, not 2004 and 2005. Of course, kibitzers were allowed in ACBL events then. They were banned to prevent the type of things you allege in this hand.
On this hand, you didn;t mention the play, but I suspect the opening lead was the spade jack, leading to the discovery that south raised based upon distribution (as expected), so to play south for short in clubs is normal. In your damnation of the player, however, in the reply to the first comment, you suggest that "the bidding is utterly damning."
I only wish it was so easy to be certain. You and I would double for takeout. But many do not whenn holding a void out of fear that partner will pass when holding four or five modest spades. Before one could jump to conculsion about level of certainty duuble is the only bid with this hand? what if I showed you a hand from two days earlier where Aruf doubled with such a hand, and partner left it in and he got a horrible score? Would that change your mind. What if I showed you hand where hs failed to double on this type and missed and easy 4-4 major game fit? Would that affect your judgement of the nature of the 2C bid. I don't have either type of evidence, I haven't checked to see how Aruf bids 5440 hands and the results he got for those suactions. Have you. Until you know how he bids such hands, a hand like this is not proof-- either getting the queen right, or bidding clubs.
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